965 51 70 58 - Plaza Iglesia, 1- 03810 Benilloba ayuntamiento@benilloba.es




A small onion.
1/3 kilo (depends on the appetites of the diners) of soaked white bean.
1/2 kilo of pork ribs.
2 or 3 thick turnips.
Meat pudding.
A good bunch of thistles (the frozen ones from supermarkets like Mercadona are great and come clean already).


The onion is poached with very little oil.
Then add the other ingredients and cover it with water, to boil until the beans are tender.
The broth should be thick.
When it is at its point the salt is added and it is given a slight boil.




Dried peppers of the season.
Cod (a loin).
Good olive oil.


The peppers are fried in abundant oil. It is important to crush them with the skimmer when throwing them into the pan, so it is advisable not to fry more than two at a time.
Let them brown, but look! Are very delicate and should not be burned or be somewhat raw because then they do not become crispy. They are allowed to cool well, meanwhile the grilled cod are roasted to the flame, if there are much better embers.
The best possible frying is done, then the peppers are thoroughly mashed and mixed with the cod, added with plenty of olive oil and ready to eat.

The ilicitana variant is that instead of peppers they make it with noras.